{"x": "1697915954000", "y": 19375298555857 },{"x": "1694627588000", "y": 20543135694623 },{"x": "1694182890000", "y": 20335107212063 },{"x": "1694124869000", "y": 20337643662572 },{"x": "1694121571000", "y": 20337789116434 },{"x": "1694120800000", "y": 17574518119781 }
{"x": "1697915954000", "y": 1932881.95 },{"x": "1694627588000", "y": 2009676.13 },{"x": "1694182890000", "y": 1996693.92 },{"x": "1694124869000", "y": 1996693.92 },{"x": "1694121571000", "y": 1996693.92 },{"x": "1694120800000", "y": 1996693.92 }
- A blockchain protocol for tokenizing financial assets

Short Gold Token (SXAU): Leverage token

Short Gold Token (SXAU) is a leverage token with short exposure to Gold, available on the Binance Smart Chain. SXAU can be bought and sold on any dex. You will earn more SXAU if the price of Gold decreases, and lose SXAU when Gold increases in price. Positions can't be liquidated.

- Instructions:

SBTC can be traded at synthswap.xyz or Pancakeswap.

- Specifications

Leverage: ~3x short
Chain: Binance Smart Chain
Type: Rebase
Transfer fee: 0.1%
Long term holding fee: 0%

- Real time performance

SBTC = , ■ iXAU = . This chart compares the price performance of equal amounts of SXAU and iXAU. iXAU is simply the inverse gold price, and it's calculated 3.8 * 109 / Gold price. Updated seconds ago.

- Redeeming & Minting SXAU

New SXAU can be minted by sending GRT to the SXAU contract address. SXAU can be redeemed back if sent to the GRT contract address. The exchange rate is always 1:1. Some wallets will warn about sending funds to a contract, these warnings can be ignored here. There is a daily limit of how much can be redeemed and minted, if reached, your transaction will automatically revert. No more than 5% of current total supply can be minted in 24 hours. See more details on this here .

Ticker Contract Address
LXAU 0x77...18
SXAU 0x33...68
GRT 0x4f...B3

- Fee structure

There are 2 type of fees, Transfer Fee: Buy/sell tax of 0.1% for wallets with more than 10000 GRT, for all other situations the transfer fee is 0.2%. Minting fee: A minting fee of 0.3% is charged when minting and redeeming SXAU. Both might change in the future.

- Fail safe mechanisms

There are mechanisms in place to mitigate damage from potential inflation bugs or oracle problems.

* Profit limit. This should not be triggered under normal circumstances. If the ratio between total loss and total profit in SXAU reaches a set threshold(> 10x), the token would stop following the price of the oracle, it would just become pegged to GRT. In such a scenario it would still be tradeable/redeemable/mintable.